SDC Case Manager Beth Bisson gets her first-round vaccine.
CEO Calls it a Privilege the Staff has Earned
Over the course of three weeks, CVS staff visited almost all of the 43 BCArc residential programs — twice — vaccinating BCArc staff and the individuals who live in the homes. From January to March, the staff and individuals who wanted the vaccine received it.
“This is a great opportunity for our staff and I’m glad most of them took advantage of it,” said Ken Singer, President & CEO. “They worked through the entire pandemic, 24-7. So while it is a privilege to be part of Phase I, they earned it and I’m so proud of the way they took care of the individuals we serve. A recent meeting with the families of the BCArc community gave our staff the highest of marks.”
Employees who missed the first round can still receive the vaccination, and as new staff join BCArc, they will have access to the vaccine as well, given their status as essential workers.
“So many people deserve credit for this,” Ken said. “While I’d like to one day say that BCArc is 100 percent vaccinated, for now every person in the BCArc community who has been vaccinated protects all of us that much more.”