Executive Leadership Team

Maryann Hyatt
Maryann HyattPresident & CEO
Maryann Hyatt was named President & CEO of Berkshire County Arc in 2022. She started with BCArc 35 years before that in the residential department as a relief staff, awake night staff, assistant site-manager and site-manager.

She joined agency administration in 1992 serving in several roles that include Coordinator of Advocacy and Family Support, Vice President of Clinical, Day, and Community Services, and Chief Operating Officer.

She holds a Doctorate in Business Administration from Franklin University, a Master’s in Business Administration from Bay Path University, and a Master of Education from North Adams State College (now MCLA). She has received the Exemplary Mentorship Award from the National Council of Executives, the Esteemed Career Achievement Award from the Human Services Forum, and the Award of Excellence from the Massachusetts Provider’s Council.

Read her letters here.

Blanca Durant
Blanca DurantChief Financial Officer
Blanca Durant is the Chief Financial Officer for Berkshire County Arc, where she is responsible for managing the Arc’s administrative activities, information technology, accounting and finance functions, including management of internal control systems.

Blanca’s duties also include the development of the annual operating budget, preparation of all financial management reports, and tax and regulatory filings. Reporting to Berkshire County Arc’s President and CEO, Durant is a member of the Arc’s executive leadership team, responsible for shaping and directing the implementation of aspects of the Arc’s strategies.

Durant joined Berkshire County Arc in 1998 as an accounting associate, became the Accounting Supervisor in 1999 and was appointed Director of Finance in 2011.

Sonja Haecker
Sonja HaeckerExecutive Vice President
BCArc has named Sonja Haecker, Ed.D, Executive Vice President. In this new position she will oversee the Agency’s Community Services programs, including Adult Family Care Program, Family Support & Advocacy, Employment & Vocational Services, Day Habilitation programs, and Community-Based Day Services. She will also oversee the Clinical Department, and Respite Services. In addition, Sonja will assist the President & CEO with agency strategic planning initiatives.

Prior to this position, Sonja was Vice President of Community Services, where she expanded the Adult Family Care program, strengthened Family Support Services, and successfully spearheaded several new Agency initiatives.

Sonja has presented at conferences statewide and nationally, and has been recognized by the Arc of Massachusetts for her Leadership in Family and Individual Supports. She is a Massachusetts Ambassador for the national initiative “Charting the LifeCourse,” and serves on the Berkshire Community College Human Services Advisory Board. She holds several training certificates in areas such as Positive Behavior Supports, and the Parent Consultant Training Institute.

Sonja worked with at-risk youth and low-income families before joining BCArc.

She holds a Doctorate in Educational Leadership from the University of New England, a Master’s in Education from the Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts, where she is a Distinguished Alumna, and a Bachelor’s Degree in Social Work from the College of Saint Rose.

Chris Melski
Chris MelskiVice President of Residential Services
Chris oversees the Director of BIS Residential and the Director of DDS Residential, which encompasses 43 homes across Berkshire County and the Pioneer Valley. A licensed Construction Supervisor, he oversees the maintenance of all properties for the Agency.

He has spearheaded numerous BCArc programs, including the Men’s Group, which addresses issues around men’s health, social interaction, dating, and other related issues.  Previously a Co-Director of Residential Services, Chris has worked at Berkshire County Arc for more than 30 years. He started his time at BCArc as a Site Manager and rose through the agency to the Assistant Residential Coordinator, Residential Coordinator, Co-Director of Residential Services, and Vice President.

Kristi Nastars
Kristi NastarsVice President of Human Resources
Kristi Nastars is the Vice President of Human Resources at Berkshire County Arc where she is responsible for overseeing hiring & retention, compliance with all laws & regulations that protect both employees & applicants, as well as benefits administration.

She has several decades of experience including many years as part of a Corporate Global HR Management Team as well as 15 years owning & running her own recruiting firm.

Living in Upstate New York, she is member of the Capital Region Human Resources Association, Capital Region Women at Work, VFW Auxiliary, and Society for Human Resources Management

She holds both the SPHR & SHRM-SCP National HR certifications. Class of 2015 CRHRA Leadership program graduate.’

Cybele Kilby
Cybele KilbyVice President of Day & Employment Services
Cybele oversees the Agency’s Day Habilitation programs, Community-Based Day Services, Employment Services, and the Brain Injury Community Center.

She also helps secure state grants for the Agency, and serves as an Agency expert on rules and regulations governing BCArc programs. She was critical in leading the Agency’s Covid-19 response. In her role as Human Rights Coordinator, Cybèle serves as chairperson for the Agency’s Human Rights Committee, an advisory group of community and family members that review concerns and incidents for the purposes of safeguarding the rights of individuals receiving BCArc services.

Cybèle has been with BCArc since 2006, serving in numerous capacities. She has a Master’s degree from Simmons University and a Bachelor’s from Smith College.

David Singer
David SingerVice President of Marketing and Communications
David Singer is responsible for managing and promoting the BCArc brand, developing and driving communication strategy, and expanding awareness of the Agency.

He oversees the external and internal communications, including advertising, social media, the Agency’s website and other online properties, and all marketing and print material for the external community. He leads the Agency’s fundraising efforts centered on the Annual Campaign, the annual Golf Classic, grants, and other year-long opportunities. He manages media relations – fielding reporter inquiries and implementing strategies to secure media coverage.

He joined BCArc in 2019 and has previously worked at communications-related positions in New York and Boston.

Senior Leadership Team

Erin Manson
Erin MansonDirector of DDS Residential
Erin oversees support of the individuals with developmental disabilities living in BCArc’s residential programs. Along with supervising dozens of residential programs and hundreds of staff, she ensures the individuals BCArc serves remain healthy and experience enriched lives.

She started with BCArc in 2004 as an assistant site manager. She progressed to site manager, and then supervisor, before becoming director. Erin holds a Bachelor’s degree in sociology and a minor in social work from the Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts.

Scott Barschdorf
Scott BarschdorfDirector of BIS Residential
Scott oversees the expanding Brain Injury residential program that ranges from Berkshire County to the Pioneer Valley. Scott has extensive experience working with individuals with mental health and behavioral issues, and has overseen residential programs in various roles during his 16 years in human services.
He has degrees in Criminal Justice and Sociology from Westfield State University. He is a native of Berkshire County and attended Pittsfield Public Schools.
Pam Kight
Pam KightDirector of Employment and Community-Based Day Services
Pam Kight is the Director of Employment and Community-Based Day Services. She will oversee a program that employs more than 100 individuals with disabilities employed by area employers, along with separate programs that integrate individuals with disabilities into community life. She has been with the Agency since 1997.
Lisa Hopsicker
Lisa HopsickerDirector of Staff Development & Training
As the Director of Staff Development and Training, Lisa will oversee the BCArc training program, maintain training compliance, and coordinate the development and implementation of the agency’s staff development programs.

Lisa has a diverse 35-year career in the human and social services field, starting at BCArc 35 years ago. She has spent her career dedicated to assisting individuals with substance abuse issues, disabilities, mental health issues and trauma issues, among others. She has 11 years of college level teaching experience and extensive training experience within her career, especially during her 13 years working in crime victim services.

Lisa has been a member of the Colorado Organization for Victim Assistance conference committee and has planned and executed two Criminal Justice Symposiums and Job Fairs for her criminal justice students.

Lisa received her bachelor’s degree in psychology from Hartwick College and her Master of Social Work degree from Arizona State University. She began her human services career as relief staff at BCArc right after high school graduation. Her career has come full circle.

Chris Andrews
Chris AndrewsDirector of Quality Assurance
As Director of Quality Assurance, Chris is responsible for ensuring that staff in all departments are meeting agency, regulatory and funder standards.

His responsibilities include supervising his department that conducts regular electronic and onsite comprehensive audits of all agency programs; providing staff support and oversight of the daily use of the electronic health record, acting as the agency liaison and coordinating external licensing and accreditation surveys; and serving on several agency committees including incident review, risk management and positive behavioral supports. He has been with the agency since 1999.

Shaunna Ferry
Shaunna FerryDirector of Nursing
Shaunna leads a committed team of nurses in the assessment, planning, and monitoring of the healthcare of individuals served by BCArc. She supports the Agency with health care policy and procedure, and interprets policy for staff.

Shaunna has been in numerous BCArc nursing positions including the Day Habilitation Programs, the Residential Programs, and most recently the Adult Family Care Program.

Before joining BCArc, Shaunna worked as an RN in assisted living facilities for the elderly. Before that she was a Certified Nursing Assistant in nursing homes. A Pittsfield native, Shaunna spends much of her time outside work with her family, including her husband and her son.

Kristen Myers
Kristen MyersDirector of Behavioral Support
Kristen Myers oversees behavioral supports needed for the Developmental/Intellectual Disability, Autism, and brain-injured adults who BCArc serves. Kristen has been with BCArc for 13-plus years, and has experience in both Day Programs and Residential Services. Before joining the Clinical Department full-time in 2018, she was an Education Supervisor at Berkshire County Head Start.

She also serves as clinical liaison for BCArc’s Human Rights Committee. She is a certified Grief Counselor, and has certificates in Autism Services and Trauma-informed Care.

She is a Berkshire native who graduated from Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts with an interdisciplinary degree in Education and Psychology. She is currently completing her Masters of Science in Applied Behavior Analysis at Bay Path University.