August 14, 2020
Dear Staff:
As I head towards retirement and look back at my career with BCArc, I am filled with a sense of pride and accomplishment for all the people whose lives I have helped to make better for the last 30 years. I could not have done this by myself and I have received a lot of help and support during this time from many people.
I would first like to thank Ken Singer for creating a culture within BCArc that always puts the individuals that we support first–all of the time, no matter what! This philosophy aligns exactly with my personal beliefs and values. It is why BCArc is the truly wonderful agency that it is.
I also need to thank a group of people that have taught me so very, very much. These are the individuals that we support. I learned about caring by watching how much they care. I gained coping skills by learning how they coped with many situations including loss, frustration and disappointment. I gained personal strength by seeing how strong and resilient they are. I learned how important it is to have fun and how we can make each other laugh even during difficult times. I learned the importance of respect from people who were not always respected. I learned that the small things in life are not really small, if they matter a lot to you. I learned about patience as the people that we support are some of the most patient people I know. I learned how important it is to have some control over your life even if you need help with this. I learned how important it is to be listened to, even if you can’t speak. Because of everything they taught me I have grown in ways that I cannot explain and I can never thank these individuals enough for helping me to become the person that I am today.

In 2007 Dennis received an award from the Massachusetts Provider’s Council.
I learned the importance of respect from people who were not always respected. I learned that the small things in life are not really small, if they matter a lot to you.
I have worked with many amazing people during the last 30 years. Chris Melski and Rhodora Higgins deserve the credit for our department being the strong department that it has been. Rho has always been there pushing us to do more for our individuals and to help them to grow. She ensures that we do not forget our role as teachers and mentors. Chris is always there to support the managers and staff and has been there when I needed someone to talk with. Jenn Rush joined us about 5 years ago and brought with her a new approach and a new way of looking at the challenges that we face every day. Through her leadership we are making changes that benefit both our staff and individuals.
I have had the good fortune to work with some of the best residential managers ever. These people are dedicated to their homes and to the individuals who live there. They have given up parts of their own lives to be there when they were needed. They have the largest impact on the lives of their individuals and are also the ones responsible for the atmosphere in the homes. These managers live by the mission of giving our individuals a good life. They relay this mission to staff and provide direction to help the staff to succeed with this goal. Our Site Managers and Assistants are the backbone of residential services and have probably the most difficult jobs in the agency. These managers with whom I have worked will always have my utmost respect and my appreciation for all they have done for our individuals.

Dennis at a Valentine’s Day Dance with his friend Anne, an individual who lives at a program Dennis supervised.
I learned about patience as the people that we support are some of the most patient people I know.
I believe that I have worked with more than a thousand staff members during my career here. Almost all of them have cared deeply for the individuals with whom they work. These staff have the difficult task of being the individual’s teachers, friends, counselors, helpers and also often their voice and their advocate; and they perform all of these roles very well. These staff have brought their personalities and their uniqueness to the homes and this diversity has enriched the lives of our individuals. The responsibility of these staff is often underplayed or just not recognized at all by people outside of our agency. Staff are responsible for people’s lives! They are responsible for the individual’s medical as well as their emotional health and they must be aware of changes in our individuals and be able and willing to respond promptly and effectively. The individuals may not be able to say thank you, but their appreciation is evident in their faces and their actions when they see staff arrive to work. My sincerest thank you to all of these staff for bringing their compassion, enthusiasm and dedication to work with them every day. You are more important to our individuals than you will ever know.

Resting after a day of volunteering for the 2016 Golf Classic.
I would be remiss if I did not thank our nurse, Kate Hood, for all that she has done for me and for our individuals that we have shared for the last 25 years. She has taught me a lot including when and how to fight for the care of our individuals, when it is time to realize that everything that could be done has been done, and when it is time to help the person to have peace and love in their remaining days. We have celebrated small miracles together and have cried together when no such miracle happened. Kate and I overcame many challenges and have actually pioneered some of the medical interventions that are now done routinely in BCArc’s homes. We did not always agree as that would be impossible when two people have worked together that long. However, we were always able to openly discuss our thoughts and feelings and were always willing to listen to each other. We recognized the commitment that each of us had and this would always help us to find common ground. Thank You, Kate!
I have spent just about half of my life working for BCArc and will miss the individuals, the work, and all of the various people whom I have had the opportunity to work. I take with me many fond memories and a lifetime’s worth of knowledge. I am so glad that I was able to make a difference and to help the individuals that we support to have good lives.
Thank you to Berkshire County Arc for being committed to assisting and supporting our individuals in their quest to identify and realize their chosen life styles and for allowing me to be a part of this effort.
Dennis Radford
Residential Supervisor
Berkshire County Arc