Tracey Babcock, Employee of the Year selected from 740 employees. Left, Maryann Hyatt, President & CEO; Michael Ferry, Board Chair
Berkshire County Arc announced its Employer of the Year and Employee of the Year at their annual meeting on June 16, at the Berkshire Hills Country Club in front of more than 250 people. At the event, awards were given out to celebrate the accomplishments of staff members and the individuals they serve for self-advocacy, employment achievements, and other areas of growth.
“I look out and see that the support in this room is overwhelming,” said Maryann Hyatt, president & CEO. “The individuals here with all their achievements, the staff here with their incredible commitment to the BCArc mission, and our family members and community partners, who continue to support us and make it possible to do our work. With this kind of support, I know BCArc is in good hands and poised for great things to come.”
Hyatt, with Board Chair Michael Ferry, announced the following awards:
BCArc Employee of the Year – Tracey Babcock
Employer of the Year – Drury High School
Business Partner of the Year – Orion Magazine
Citizen Advocate of the Year – Victoria Gritman
Achievement Awards – Patricia Butler, Robert Day, Daniel Connors
Achievement in Personal Growth Awards – Gloria Hunt, Eric Karlin
Work Achievement Award – Justin Abbott
Self Advocate of the Year Awards – Maria Cardeno and Victoria Provencher
Citizenship Awards – Ricky Ostellino and Alan Zurlino

Justin Abbott earned the Work Achievement Award for the support he provides as an employee at Kelly’s Package Store in Dalton.
Carol Craighead Mission Award – Michelle McKeon
Debra Jarck Ambassador Award – Cecelia Schnopp
Administrative Employee of the Year Award – Tammy Walger
Outstanding Nursing Employee – Sharon Ireland
Outstanding Employment Services and Community Based Day Services Employee – Alex Daley
Outstanding DDS Residential Services Employee – Joseph Nyamekeh
Outstanding Family Support/Advocacy Employee – Cody Ciepiela
Outstanding Day Program Employee – Bryce Solomon
Also attending was Mayor Linda Tyer, Rep. William “Smitty” Pignatelli, Sheriff Thomas Bowler, Casey Pease from Sen. Paul Marks office, and Pittsfield City Council President Peter Marchetti.
For photos of the event, click here
Hyatt also recognized Laurianne Bigelow for 30 years of service, and Janet Newbury for 35 years of service, as well as the employees who reached other milestones of 10, 15, 20, and 25 years at BCArc.
“This work is not easy, and every year it gets more complex,” Hyatt said. “New regulations, new treatments, new technology, new medicines, and new challenges we can’t even see coming, like COVID.”