Ashley, with mask, and her new partner Deb.
Before Ashley started working at Berkshire County Arc, she considered herself a patient person. Now, a few months in, she appreciates the lessons she learned around patience from the person she cares for.
“As soon as I met Deb, she seemed very familiar and comfortable to me. We kind of hit it off. I’m probably learning more from her than she is from me,” Ashley said, laughing.
Ashley is a part-time worker who serves as peer support to an individual with a brain injury. “I like part-time because it gives me freedom with my schedule. I usually sign on for more hours and work at other houses around the Pioneer Valley, because I like the work. Even when I’m with Deb I also engage the entire home,” which could include baking, for example, and field trips.
“We kind of hit it off. I’m probably learning more from her than she is from me.”
Previously Ashley worked in retail. “This is far more motivating. This is what I want to do. Everyone makes you so comfortable here. This job has brought so much more to my life. Not only has my relationship with Deb become important, but everything has made me feel better.”