In 2012, Brian was a student at UMass Amherst studying statistics and computer science, when he slipped on a carboard and fell down a flight of stairs. This accident resulted in a mild-medium traumatic brain injury which primarily affects his memory, something that he finds to be very frustrating at times. He decided to take a step back from school, finding it challenging to keep up with his workload after the accident.
Two years ago, he began attending the BICC and loves it, spending 30-35 hours a week at the center. Brian helps with the membership unit, which involves keeping track of data on mileage and billing information.
“I enjoy it here tremendously,” he said. “I plan to keep coming here for quite a while.”
He likes that attending the BICC keeps him productive and has also inspired him to take care of himself in all aspects. As part of the wellness unit of the center, which encourages members to focus on exercise and nutrition, Brian uses the exercise machines every day and is hoping to improve his physical health.
“I enjoy it here tremendously,” he said. “I plan to keep coming here for quite a while.”
Recently, Brian has begun applying to part time jobs doing peer support. He hopes to take on a job where he can help others with using computers, math, looking for jobs, etc.