DeSean Scales dreams of building a thriving photography business.

Yet his heart remains deeply rooted in his work at BCArc. “The individuals I support have become such a big part of my life,” he says. “I have formed bonds with so many individuals.”

He rattled off a long list of first names as if to count them in his head, and then sighed: “Many of us go home to our families after work, but for most of the individuals we serve, we are their family, and they become ours too.”

DeSean’s journey at BCArc has been diverse, and, as he says, “fulfilling.” He has served as a relief staff – a substitute worker – a full-time support staff in a residential program, and now he supports individuals at their paid jobs in BCArc’s Employment Services.

“It sounds cliché, but I really believe in the BCArc mission,” DeSean said. “I come to work and the individuals seem so happy to see me. They help fill my cup in life, and I get to fill theirs. Where else do you get to experience that feeling?”

Turning to Photography After Losing a Family Member

DeSean’s passion for photography blossomed from a place of deep personal loss. “My mom passed away four years ago,” he said. “She saw in me what I didn’t see at the time. When I lost her, I lost a lot of myself. So after she passed, I locked into photography. I made a choice to go for it. I studied as much as possible, purchased equipment, and worked at it. I surprised myself. It’s made me happy and helped me grow in life. In some ways it saved me.”

“When I lost her, I lost a lot of myself. So after she passed, I locked into photography. I made a choice to go for it.”

His compassion spills into both his work at BCArc and his photography work. “You see people in new ways. You have to care to get it right. That’s the lesson that applies to any kind of work we do.”

He began with shooting landscapes and sunsets, capturing the beauty of nature before moving on to people. “I love the freedom of creativity because it allows me the opportunity to connect with others through my camera.”

Ultimately, he says, he plans to open a creative media agency when he has enough clients to support himself and his family.

DeSean’s photography can be seen here.

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