Matt and Annie recently chatting about her job. They talk nearly every shift to make sure everything is going well for Annie and the employer.
Matt Alibozek has never stayed at any job too long, until he landed at BCArc. A journalism major who also spent time teaching middle school, Matt now works with individuals with disabilities and their employers to ensure the relationship is productive and positive for both sides.
“There are employers in the Berkshires who have been working with the disabilities community for many years, and they know it’s a great deal,” said Matt. “They get a loyal, dependable, excited worker eager to learn everything, they get a person like me to manage any issues, and it always raises morale because the staff rally together to make it work.”
Matt notes that there are also Berkshire employers who are afraid to take the leap, and since COVID, the numbers of participating employers have dropped to less than 100 participants.
“Everyone who gets involved with BCArc’s Employment Services has the same feeling I have about the work: it feels good, you know you are doing something meaningful. That’s why I do it for the past eight years now,” he said. “They’ll also tell you that it works for their bottom line.”
Matt checks-in weekly at Big Y, Walmart, Mazzeo’s, and Burger King, to name a few sites, talking to the BCArc workers and their managers. “I also have relationships with the families, so that we are aware of the larger picture if there are any issues. For the most part, the individuals I work with love going to work. For example, they wouldn’t dream of calling in sick, it’s too important to them. There positive attitudes rub-off on co-workers at their employer sites.”