Call them BCArc’s youngest, most energetic, all-male house.
When the five men return home from their day, they are primed for more action.
“They need to keep moving in some way,” explained Rob, the Site Manager. “They still have energy to burn.”
This might include swimming, lifting weights, building Lego’s, a Playstation session, or a brisk walk down West Street.
“They are a blast to hang out with,” said Rob. “They all do different things, pursue different interests, and progress at their own pace.”
Sam, for example, attends BCArc’s Transitions program, plays piano, is learning the melodica, and is studying Hebrew and Latin. He likes to stay on schedule and let the staff know what his day looks like.
The second Sam in the house is the resident Olympian, focused on track and field and swimming events. Rob says he moves in the water with the grace of a fish. “I’ve never seen any swimmer turn as well as he turns,” said Rob.
Beau, the newest resident, comes with the computer skills. An online game player, he knows his way around the Internet – he was familiar with the social profiles of the house managers before he met them.
Ben likes his trains and can tell you everything about a specific model and its history, down to the engine and the color that year.
Then there’s Dan, a Michael Jackson and Phil Collins fan, a man who loves rocks and gems and frequently visits the local gem store, and also knows his trains, good food, and older movies.
“They get along, and then they like to argue like any housemates argue, and then they get along again,” explained Rob, laughing.
While the men tend to pair up with a particular buddy, they also spend time together watching movies, dining out, or going on a weekend day trip.
At a recent house trip to the Big E, their different interests were apparent. “It’s a new group, with a new dynamic,” explained Rob. “They showed a lot of independence, each knowing what they wanted out of the trip. The trick for them is time-management. We couldn’t do everything for as long as they wanted. We had to make a plan and stick to it, and they understood the need to compromise.”
“We joke that it’s BCArc fraternity, or maybe BCArc’s bachelor pad,” said Rob.
Eventually they settle in for dinner on weekdays around 6 p.m.
“We are all short-order cooks here,” said Jason, Assistant Site Manager. “They usually each want different meals. But everyone loves Chantal’s chicken.”
They all have different challenges, different interests, and different goals, said Jason. “It’s great to watch them all make progress.”

Site Manager Rob, left, with Assistant Site Manager Jason.
House Revived– New Porch, New Siding
“We’re proud of this house,” said Chris Melski, Vice President of Residential Services. “It has a great bunch of young guys living there, a great team in place to manage and staff the house, and maintenance did a great job with all the new work on it.”