By Nicole Lemire

Lennox’s passion for human rights and advocacy has made them a perfect fit for the Community Advocate position.  

Previously, Lennox worked as an assistant manager for a day program in New York, but did not feel valued in this position, so they decided to apply to work at BCArc. This May marks their one-year anniversary with the agency, and they still love the work they do. 

Community Advocates work with individuals to get involved with the community, socialize, and work on personal growth. This could be through planning big group events such as bingo and dances, or simply stopping by an individual’s home to watch movies and hang out.  

“I think I have the coolest job at BCArc,” Lennox said. “We are holding a formal dance in June, and I can’t wait to see everyone all dressed up. I love seeing the look on everyone’s faces when they walk in, because they absolutely deserve it.” 

Lennox has always been passionate about social justice and the importance of basic rights for all people. They believe that by getting individuals involved in their communities, it can help to change public perception about people with disabilities and break stigmas.

“I think I have the coolest job at BCArc … It is rewarding to know that I’m making a difference in their lives.”

Another aspect of the job is teaching individuals how to properly advocate for themselves, and when this is not possible, acting as an advocate for them. Self advocacy involves being able to speak up for themselves and communicate their likes and dislikes. Lennox believes it is important to get to know the individuals in their caseload well and be able to form a close bond.

“We support individuals through their hardest moments,” Lennox said. “It is rewarding to know that I’m making a difference in their lives.” 

During COVID, Community Advocates were unable to hold many of their events and had to limit a lot of their activities. Now, Lennox hopes that they can rebuild their numbers and hold more group outings, such as going to the Springfield Museum and the zoo. 

“Many of our individuals are older, and I like that they are still able to experience new and exciting things.”

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