Master Special Needs Pooled Trust Individual Enrollment

Fields marked with an * are required

Any supporting documents can either be mailed to Berkshire County Arc, PO Box 2, Pittsfield MA 01202 or emailed to

Trust Applicant Information

Residential Information

Current Living Situation (Select One) *
Does the applicant own real property? *

If yes, please complete following 6 questions. If no, leave following 6 questions blank.

Does the applicant have a life estate in property? (If yes, submit copy of deed/title) *
Is the property currently occupied by someone other than the applicant?
Is the property being rented?
Is the property vacant and being sold?
If the applicant is living in a nursing home, is he/she planning on returning?
All home repairs must directly and solely benefit the trust applicant. The trust cannot pay for home repairs or expenses when an applicant doesn't live in the home, and if anyone else is residing in the home, renting the home, or if the applicant has a life estate.
Has the applicant ever resided in another state? *

Does the trust applicant have a legal representative such as a:
Is the trust applicant legally competent to sign documents? *
Is the above legal representative signing the Joinder Agreement? *
A copy of Power of Attorney or Guardianship/Conservator Decree, Petition to Establish an Estate Plan and the Court Order authorizing creating and funding of a pooled trust must be submitted.

Does the Trust Applicant have a DDS Service Coordinator? If so:

Trust Applicant Disability Information:

Please describe the applicant's Medical Diagnosis/Disability:

A disability determination is required to join a pooled trust. Has a determination been made by Social Security? *
Has a MassHealth LTC disability determination been made? *

Trust Applicant Benefit/Income Information

Please submit a copy of SSDI/SSI Social Security Award Letter.

Does the trust applicant have any of the following insurances: *
Does the applicant have a pre-paid funeral? *
Does the applicant have a Will? *

We strongly encourage all applicants to have a pre-paid funeral in place. Permission from MassHealth must be obtained to pay any funeral expenses post death. Submit copy of Will if applicable.

Disbursement Information

Ability of applicant to request funds: *

If applicant is unable to make independent requests, please list the person(s) who is designated and empowered to request funds on the person's behalf:

Funding Information

Remainderperson Information:

Trust Remainder Beneficiaries are person(s) and/or entity(ies) who would receive any funds remaining after the applicant’s death after final closing costs, after the Trust’s remainder share (5% applicant dies within first 2 years) or (20% applicant dies more than 2 years after joining) is paid to Berkshire County Arc and after Medicaid have been satisfied. Please provide below the persons or entities who should receive any balance remaining. 

Primary Beneficiary: If more than one, please send additional names, addresses, and percentages to

Secondary Beneficiary: If more than one, please send additional names, addresses, and percentages to

Reporting Information:

When a pooled trust account is funded, there is a legal obligation to report it to the appropriate government agency, either Social Security Administration or Medicaid (MassHealth). The Berkshire County Arc Master Special Needs Pooled Trust attorney can submit the reporting documentation or if you prefer to have your own attorney address this, we can provide supporting documentation directly to your attorney. The fee for the legal work to complete your legal duty to report your account can be deducted directly from your trust account. 

Please indicate below your preference *

By signing below, I acknowledge that I understand that this is an irrevocable trust account, and I have read and understand the Schedule of Fees. Berkshire County Arc, as Manager of the Special Needs Pooled Trust, is the only person that can authorize a payment be made from a Trust Members account. At no time can a check be issued payable to the Trust Member directly and all disbursements are for the sole benefit of the Trust Member only. I further understand, that upon the death of the Trust Member, no further disbursements other than costs associated with closing the account may be made. This includes funeral related costs, which requires permission from MassHealth to reimburse. Under Massachusetts Law, please note that potential creditors of a deceased person have one year from the date of death to bring a claim against assets held in a self-settled trust. For that reason, Berkshire County Arc, Inc.'s policy is to wait until the anniversary of a deceased trust member's death has passed before making any distributions to any named remainder person(s).

It is the responsibility of the contact person to notify the Berkshire County Arc Inc., Master Special Needs Pooled Trust of any changes in the trust member's living arrangement, health status, or financial profile and needs. The Berkshire County Arc Inc., Master Special Needs Pooled Trust must also be notified prior to a change in the trust member's contact person.

Please submit this application along with the required one-time enrollment fee of either $500 if the trust applicant signs his/her own Joinder Agreement or $600 if a fiduciary agent signs the Joinder Agreement to: Berkshire County Arc, PO Box 2, Pittsfield MA 01202.

The application will be reviewed and if appropriate the Berkshire County Arc Trust attorney will draft a Joinder Agreement for signature. 

Any supporting documents can either be mailed to Berkshire County Arc, PO Box 2, Pittsfield MA 01202 or emailed to