John Haygood along with staff members Gregory Dillard, Daizialie Cruz, and Scott LaFlamme after winning Brain Injury Program of the Year.
By Nicole Lemire
John Haygood was shocked when Nicholson Hill, the residence that he manages, won Brain Injury Program of the Year at BCArc’s staff appreciation picnic.
The win came as a surprise to the entire staff, and was an opportunity for them to be recognized for their dedication to the individuals they serve.
In the year since John started managing Nicholson Hill, the staff and individuals have become like family to him. He praised the staff for their hard work, and said that they all work well together as a team. One of the main objectives among the staff is to make the residence feel warm and welcoming for the men who live there.
The staff have created an environment that is joyful and inviting, and it is clear that everyone in the home has a good time together and enjoys each other’s company.
“This is where the guys live, so we want to make it homey for them,” John said. “I like to make sure that they know that they can always open up to me.”
“This house has just gotten better and better, and the staff is tremendous,” John said.
Another focus for the Nicholson Hill crew is holding fun activities for the individuals. For example, an individual in the home suggested that they hold a car wash to raise money for a trip to the aquarium, so the staff made it happen. The car wash was a great success both in raising funds for the trip as well as by allowing the individual to see his idea come to life, which made him very happy.
“My favorite activity that we’ve done so far was a bingo bash,” John said. “We invited over individuals from other houses and they got to compete for prizes.”
Moving into the fall season, John has many ideas for outings that the individuals can take part in, including apple picking, going to a pumpkin patch, and attending the Big E.
“This house has just gotten better and better, and the staff is tremendous,” John said.