Cindy, left, with Jennifer, are eager to start working in the community again.
Before COVID, Jennifer Newell ran a residential program, and worked at BCArc’s Transitions program. “Residential work is different than the work we do here at Northview, where we teach them life skills. I enjoy this work, helping to make a difference in their lives. But I’ll say that it broke my heart when I left the individuals in the residential program.”
Cindy Kiederling also worked around the Agency while the day-program was on hold.
“It’s nice to have everyone back, once again working on goals, watching then interact with each other,” said Cindy. “Everyone is just eager and happy to be social again, and be among friends.”
The program is not yet allowed to return to full capacity, and community engagement – a key component for Northview –– is on hold.
“Everyone is just eager and happy to be social again, and be among friends.”
“Meanwhile, we work on some money skills, safety, how to handle grief, communicating effectively, making their own decisions and advocating for themselves,” said Jennifer. “For now we want them engaged and learning. It’s a lot different from before the virus, when we did things like fish at a hatchery, where they all caught something. That was fun for everyone.”
Cindy and Jennifer lead the activities a Northview, under the direction of Jose Taveras. Jose said that they serve a good number of individuals every day, but it will be nice when the virus restrictions are lifted and everyone who wants to attend can once again attend.
“Next step is returning to community activity,” said Cindy. “The folks at Northview have helped maintain hiking trails, volunteered at the Dream Center, helped food pantries, and cleaned up a few parks. It’s important that they are out there helping others, and also for the community to see us, that we are here and part of the community and can make a difference. They have a lot to show, and when you take a moment to listen to them, you learn from them.”
Recently, the team of two celebrated Earth Day with the group, listening to online presentations, and discussing the issues of preserving the earth. “The best way for them to really learn these kinds of lessons is by getting outside and using the lessons in real-world settings,” said Jennifer.
“It will be nice when we can return to the initial mission of Northview – learning and applying skills in the community. We’re almost there,” said Cindy.