Say Something Nice
Recognize a co-worker, or a residential team, or a particular action, that you think deserves to be praised. Let people know the good things you are doing. Feel free to brag about yourself too, why not. We will post comments on social media, the Visions newsletter, and anywhere else that seems appropriate. Send photos to Dave at
I want to take a minute to thank all the staff that work at West program 18. A lot has changed over the last 2 months there. Individuals moving out and some moving in. Needs have increased and each and every one of you have risen to the new challenges. You continue to put the needs of the individuals first. You all roll with the busy busy schedule the house has. You ask questions when you aren’t sure how to provide the best care or need clarification on a change. I am so proud to be a part of this program with all of you. Thank you very much! Robert Dunn, West St. Site Manager, 6-14-24 |
I want to give a big “SHOUT OUT” for my amazing staff at Crossroads. They all do an incredible job assisting our individuals to be successful with their DHSP goals, enjoy additional activities of interest and share meaningful experiences with their peers and staff. However, these women are not only dedicated to the Crossroads program: many of them also give up their personal time to work in the Residences to help our individuals to enjoy their evenings and weekends. They are strong, intelligent, hard working, compassionate women who have developed the skills and knowledge to be strong advocates for the individuals they work with in all areas of their lives. They bring silliness, laughter and love to everyone’s day and to say that I am proud to work with these women is an understatement. Donna Williams, Director, Crossroads Enrichment Program, 1-22-24 |
I want to give a big “SHOUT OUT” to Talesky Xicotencatl (pictured left) who is always ready to help out. Today a young family came to Crossroads interested in applying for jobs but they spoke very little English. Talesky came right out and acted as an interpreter and saved the day. Her friendly personality and knowledge of BCArc really helped them to get the information they needed and to feel welcome. Thank you so much Talesky!!!!
Donna Williams, Director, Crossroads Enrichment Program
I would like to give a big “SHOUT OUT” to Daisy Reyes-Santiago. These two adorable bunnies were up in the Crossroads attic for many years. They were very dirty and dusty and could not be displayed. Daisy saw them and said that she would take them home and clean them up. To say that I was amazed at the transformation would be an understatement. She not only cleaned them up but she also gave them new outfits and fixed up their straw. Daisy is so talented and she puts her heart and sole into everything she does. Thank you Daisy for bringing these two bunnies back to their original cuteness for everyone at Crossroads to enjoy.
Donna Williams, Director, Crossroads Enrichment Program
A shout out to our maintenance guy Andy! He with his manager Matt put together a three-tiered cart for the Training Department with speed and efficiency! Matt said that Andy was able to figure out the difficult instructions and was the reason the cart was put together so well! Andy comes to the Training Room often to fix things, build things, and move things and he always has a smile and gets the job done well! Thank you, Andy, for all you do!
Lisa Hopsicker, Director of Staff Development & Training, 2-25-23
A big shout out to the Residential DDS Supervisors and our leader Erin Manson on us banning together to get things done as a team no matter how big or small. It is nice to know your not alone and that your team has your back and will fill in those gaps when needed. Thank You!
LaSheika Moody, Residential Supervisor, 1-19-23
I had the opportunity to see Esther Vannah-Graham teaching a class today and noticed what a great job she does teaching. Esther is very engaging, encourages participation, and keeps the attention of all the staff in her class.
Jennifer McNulty, Sr. Training Specialist
Thank you, Esther Vannah-Graham for volunteering to help staff being folks to the Halloween dance! Making sure staff know we are here for anything they need is a huge part of working in the clinical department! We have been so lucky to have you! Looking forward to what you will do next.
Kristen Myers, Behavioral Specialist, 10-9-22
A HUGE SHOUT OUT to the BCArc Maintenance Team! There has been construction, coordination, and then the physical labor of moving multiple offices for the New BCArc Site at 877 South Street, Floor #4. Moving multiple departments, and ensuring the staff have everything they need is essential for a smooth transition, and the Maintenance Team always gets the job done. This new space is looking phenomenal and all the work behind the scenes to make this happen, has not gone unnoticed.
Sonja Stewart, Vice President of Community Services, 10-9-22
Big shout out to the staff at Social Development Center for weathering a tough week! Every week I go into your program and you are positive, helpful and ready for anything! Our folks depend on all of your smiling faces, and I am so glad I get to see them as well! Special Thanks to Kristie Cullison for leading by example!!!
Kristen Myers, Behavioral Specialist, 10-9-22
A shout out to the staff and managers who work in the Residential Programs — from the Berkshires to Pioneer Valley. Thank you for jumping in to cover shifts and programs! You are an essential part of what we do everyday and we would be lost without you!
Behavior Specialists get to go in and help, but we know you are all doing to the hardest work of all!! Thank you!!!
Kristen Myers, Behavioral Specialist, 10-9-22
I would like to say thank you to my staffing team at Old Cheshire Road. This team worked so hard enduring the recent loss of 3 individuals in a short period of time. They should be proud of the care they provided, and the compassion they had for not only those lost but also those left behind. This amazing group of people work tirelessly and are the true embodiment of the kind of sacrifice we face in human services. I appreciate each and every one who worked so hard to provide a beautiful home and care for those we serve.
Jessica L. Warner, Brain Injury Services Residential Supervisor
I would like to shout out to all the Dalton BI staff who have stepped up recently and picked up more responsibilities and shifts while we have been going through some tough times!!! I know I try to tell you as much as I can but I have really appreciated all the help you have given me and the ladies. We are a great team and hopefully everyone sees this!!
Barb Snow, Assistant Site Manager
Huge shout out to the crew working day in and day out up in old Berkshire Village, Hollow Road! With one of our friends turning up ill, each and every employee stepped up to the plate once again doing whatever it takes to keep those we serve safe. Thank you, ALL, for tying on your gowns, pulling down your shields and treating these folks as family. We will make it through this as a team. Aly, Albert, Kofi, Kotiti, Eileen, Steph, Fataisha, Fanta, Francis and Sara.
Jamie Sigoski, Residential Supervisor, 1-5-22
HUGE shout out to a very hardworking relief staff, Stephany Vreeland! Steph comes into work and ALWAYS jumps on a task! They have been very helpful keeping our individuals SAFE and HAPPY! Steph always goes above and beyond in their work that they do. You can tell how much Steph values their job and the individuals we serve! THANK YOU STEPH!!!
Alyson Kalisz – Asst. Site Manager, Hollow Road, 12-15-21
I would like to take a moment and thank Cameron and Gayle for their efforts in making the new Clubhouse in the Pioneer Valley a success. Since July, they have worked on learning all they can about the new members at the clubhouse and learning how the model for the program works. In learning to work with each other, they have been able to handle the adversity that comes with starting a new program. This week they were pivotal in the planning, preparing and carrying out the Thanksgiving potluck luncheon for the members of the clubhouse. I am grateful to have them.
– Scott Gullett, Director of the Brain Injury Community Center – 11-24-21
I want to give a shout out to Connie Dagesse from Sheep Pasture Rd. She covered my house at Woodland Road a while ago when I went on vacation. She had been training a new assistant at her house, making sure things kept on track there with her men and staff, and she had also volunteered to spend several days a week at Oxford House, helping with a staff transition there. She was helping everywhere getting paperwork caught up, helping individuals attend doctor appointments, covering regular shifts when needed, and getting to know the individuals needs and personalities. With all this was going on, I felt she stayed on top of everything while I went on vacation. She did a great job covering everything, and giving her assistant manager the tools to keep her program running smoothly. She also made some needed runs to the Main Office in Pittsfield when I could not. Keep up the good work Connie and please call me when you need something.
Deb Gore, Site Manager, Woodland Road – 11/24/21
I would like to give a shout out to Teresa Davenport, the office manager at BCArc’s Main Office. We asked BCArc staff who did not work in residential programs if they would be willing to work shifts in the homes. Teresa was one of the first to volunteer. That was almost four months ago. She has not stopped working since! Teresa typically works every Sunday at a program in Lenox. She has been a huge asset and we are so extremely grateful to have her help!
Erin Manson, Assistant Director of Residential Services, 11/5/21
I’ve only been manager at Dalton for a few months now. However the group of staff that I have working with me on a daily basis has been amazing and very welcoming. The true compassion that these women show the individuals at Dalton is breathtaking. They are always searching for a way to make the day better for them and individuals love the staff as much as the staff love them. I’m so proud to be the manager of such a great team. I want to thank all of them for all their hard work and dedication that they give to the program each and every time they step foot in the door. Even on the most challenging of days they always pull together and make the best of it! And a Hugh Thank you to Kaitlyn Giron for helping to be the best I can be!
– Kellie Robinson – Site Manager, 10-20-21
Thanking Kaydiann Johnson so much for helping us out and going above and beyond the call of duty. She is always picking up, doing extra work, making sure things are in order. She is tireless. Everyone knows we’re in trusted hands when she is working at the program. We owe a debt of gratitude to this exceptionally hard worker.
Jacob Ostrowski, Site Manager, 10/10/21


Lisa Hopsicker and Jen McNulty have come to my rescue! They were kind enough to lend a training computer to me to do some clerical work for the BIS department. The computer that I started with would just not speak to the office printer. Compuworks kept trying and just couldn’t make it work. Jen and Lisa saw my frustration and saved me by loaning me a training department computer to work with. Scott Havilland from Compuworks was able to get me set up on it in under 30 minutes and I was off and running. Thanks so much everyone! It’s great when departments can work together on a common goal.
Barb Tanski, Brain Injury Services Volunteer, 10/4/21
Shout out to Elberon Ave: while taking precautions with COVID numbers increasing we have still managed to get the guys out for dinner, ice cream, concerts, and more. Next month planning a trip to the aquarium and BIG E if Covid lets us. The manager, Theresa, and assistant, Joe have been very supportive of all my crazy ideas and helped me to make them happen and give the guys at the house an awesome experience. Staff Gigi and Kate have helped me get everything accomplished and we have had tons of fun doing it. I hope we all stay healthy and safe as we enter another winter of Covid. I Love Elberon and my co workers — you all rock. Thank you for making me want to come into work each and everyday!
Rachel Nicola-Jefferson, Residential Support Staff 8/27/21
I would like to tell all the staff at Elberon, South Main, Sampson Parkway, and Robert Street, that YOU are all AMAZING. During this time of the Pandemic and beyond, staff have shown up for every shift, switched to other programs as needed, worked extra shifts, and you got it done. Your hard work has not gone unnoticed. I want to say Thank You to each and every staff. A special bit of praise to all the staff from Sampson Parkway and South Main. The countless heartfelt hours that you spent by the side of the individuals that have passed on. For both programs the ladies were enveloped in love and support through their transition. Every staff member that was there: you matter. Thank You.
Robin Brown, Residential Supervisor, 6/18/24
I just want to say a heartfelt thank you to all residential support staff from our managers and assistants to our full time staff as well as relief. Each and every day you answer the call for coverage to ensure our individuals are always taken care of. I just want you all to know when I say Thank you, I mean it from the bottom of my heart!
Jessica Warner, Supervisor, Brain Injury Services 5/28/21
As we head outward from this pandemic storm into a full reopening I wanted to take a moment to recognize all of the amazing residential staff, relief, peer supports, community advocates, assistant managers, managers and supervisors who have made all the difference in ensuring the success of our programs and that of the individuals they support. So many stories of heroism, team work and selflessness! You should all be very proud! You have risen to meet the challenge unlike any other we had faced before and now we can see the rainbow after the storm! Thank you, to you all for your steadfast dedication!
Amber Steele, Director, Brain Injury Services, 5/28/21
I just wanted to say a personal Thank You to all of the College Hwy staff, along with Jessica Warner, and Amber Steele for going above and beyond!! You all have shown great dedication and loyalty. It truly is a pleasure working with all of you!
Stephanie Kulzer, Site Manager, 3/21/21
Connie Romero, Residential Support – 2/1/21
I want to give a huge shoutout to the team of wonderful ladies that helped me out during the recent snow storm. I left home early for my overnight shift at Oxford Place, 10 minutes from where I live in Westfield and I went slow since the roads were slick and I have a small light-weight car that loves to slide, as it did last year when I often traveled to Berkshire County to work. I made it to work safely during this storm but there was so much snow in the parking lot that I couldn’t park so with help from Jackie, Imani and Chrissy they all managed to get me into a parking spot safely after 15 min of clearing snow, pushing my vehicle when I got stuck, and using a vehicle to flatten the snow. Multiple people including Sue and my supervisor Yaremi were happy I made it safely. I love this team of people I work with. They are always checking up on me when I’m sick or something is going on and I am so grateful for being a part of this awesome team of Women at Oxford House. This is why I love my job at BCARC — we are more than just workers, we are a family and I am happy to be a part of it here in Hampden County.

Maureen Marion, Human Resources
Shout-out out to Maureen Marion, HR Specialist, in the Westfield Office who takes a few hours every week to work as a relief staff in one of our Brain Injury programs. Her assistance is greatly appreciated. Her work in the programs, on top of her full time job in Human Resources, puts her in a unique position to interact with new hires — knowing what the work is like firsthand — as they come through her office during the week. Your help is greatly appreciated and we Thank you!!
Jessica Warner, Residential Supervisor, 1-12-21
I am ever so grateful to both our nursing department and Admin team for organizing and securing vaccinations for all who choose to be vaccinated against Covid-19. I am proud to have taken part in this first round of Vaccines and thankful to the 12 other Bcarc staff and individuals who joined me in looking toward the light at the end of this long dark tunnel. Thanks Kate Hood, Caroline Eldred , Chris Peltier for the countless hours you all put in each and every day to make sure our staff and individuals are safe.
Jessica Warner, Residential Supervisor, 1-12-21
I would like to give a shout out to the team of dedicated BIS Supervisors, and Managers with on call responsibilities! Amber Steele, Jessica Warner, Kara Rogers, Scott Gullett, Eva Mbuya, and Kaitlyn Giron! Once every seven weeks we each get to carry the pager for 7 days, this is not an easy responsibility! I am very appreciative that we all work together as a team and support each other, especially when we have double call outs in multiple programs and we are trying to figure out what recourses we have to fix all the empty shifts. Toward the end of each week we have a zoom meeting for coverage issues to assist each other with vacancies within the programs so it does not land on the on call person. At times we even have Managers who do not have on call duties join in so we all give our suggestions and take care of business filling the vacancies! Even with this planning sometimes our plan falls apart when there is a call out over the weekend. The text messages go out to all the supervisors and we all work together to fix the issue or issues at hand. This is truly a team effort to assist each other and give each other support in this crazy world we currently find ourselves in. We are never alone with the pager as we all know how much extra work it is and the added stress it brings, so we are always there for each other. For this I say THANK YOU to all of you for supporting all of us!!! Hang tuff, there will eventually be a light at the end of the tunnel, It has been a long 10 months!
Janet Newberry, Residential Supervisor, 1-5-21
We had been waiting on a piece of critical medical equipment for an individual to be located within the state, for an individual who really needed it as fast as possible. Of course we got confirmation late in the day that the equipment could be picked up all the way in Sterling, Mass. We roughly had an hour and a half to get there before they closed and it was an hour and half drive to get there! With no notice Helen Williams jumped in her car and left straight away for Sterling from Russell and made it there in the nick of time! Then she drove the equipment all the way back to West Springfield so the individual was able to get what they needed that very same day!
Amber Steele
Director of Brain Injury Services, 11-20-2020
I would like to shout out all 3 of my programs in Hampden county–the managers, the staff and all the women and men! All the extra hours and keeping up with changes on top of continuing to provide care and compassion. Times have been so hard for many, not just at work but outside in our personal lives too. Keep up the good work, all of you! I’m very thankful for all that you do.
To my team of Supervisors, I just want to say that you guys are an amazing group! I see the efforts day in and out for all of your programs, the behind the scenes that not everyone gets to see. The 5 of you are smart and truly know what it is and means to be good supervisors.
I can’t forget our Boss, Chris Melski. He is always there when we call even if it’s to direct in the right direction. Or to say, “If you don’t get an answer, get back to me.”
The nurses, accounting, payroll, HR, Bev Tobin: My goodness, I could go on because as a whole, everyone at BCARC is doing their part to try to get us all through these times!
Yaremi Ramirez, Residential Supervisor, 12/13/20
I want to give a huge THANK YOU to the staff at Valentine Road. These last few weeks have been difficult for all of us. I am impressed the way our staff has worked as a team and come together to support the individuals, often times without even being asked. Many people have worked extra shifts and at the last minute stayed extra time or come in early so someone else could go home. People have worked double shifts and at the last minute agreed to change their shift to something completely different. I am so pleased to work with such a wonderful bunch of dedicated employees! Thank you!
Jen Boyer, Site Manager, Valentine Road 11/28/20

Toni MIller
I would like to shout out to both Bianca Sanchez and Toni Miller BI site managers in Westfield I know you are both doing everything in your power to lead your programs through these unprecedented times. Your leadership is invaluable to the agency and I have nothing but the utmost respect for your positivity and leadership skills. Stay strong!
Jessica Warner, Residential Supervisor, 11/25/20
I have to give a special shout out to the HR Department. I am so lucky to have such an amazing group that works tirelessly to help you so you can take care of the Individuals. I want to let ALL the employees know, I am Thankful for each one of you! I watch you all work so hard everyday with devotion to the Individuals and to BCArc’s mission. I have learned so much from all of you. Whether you are working in a program or at home, Happy Thanksgiving!
Kristi Nastars, HR Director, 11/24/20
As the pandemic continues to reek havoc across the state, our staff continue to show up day in and day out. There are few words that could adequately describe my gratitude to them for their commitment or do them justice when expressing how truly amazing they are. Everyone working right now–whether on the front lines as a Residential Support Staff or as a Manager of a program–is there when people need them most, often acting selflessly to keep those in their care safe.
People are coming together more now than ever to support one another through this difficult time. We need you now more than ever and I want to sincerely thank you for everything you are doing. You are all in my thoughts and prayers! Special shout out to those of you hanging tough in quarantined programs! Your doing your best to make the best of the current situation and you still bring smiles and laughter to the programs. We will get through this! We did it before and we will do it again!
Amber Steele
Director of Brain Injury Services, 11-20-2020
I just want to Welcome Stephanie Kulzer to the BIS family I really and truly appreciate her jumping in with both feet at our College Highway program. Her flexibility and can do attitude is greatly appreciated. Welcome aboard Stephanie!
Jessica Warner, Residential Supervisor, 10-22-2020
I want to thank BCARC for the opportunity to work in such a Welcoming Program! As we live in tough times there is always a smile waiting to greet you here! Thank you MaryEllen and Scott for the re assurance they work hard and our team who are individually awesome! To my co workers You all are great Thank you for your hard work and dedication.
Evelyn Sierra, Assistant Manager, Russell, 10-22-2020
Hats off to Beth and Marcia and J.G. and their team for moving out every letter, newsletter, flyer and mailer the day it gets to them. Send them a few excel lists, they merge and de-dupe and advise on paper types and envelopes and postal class and folds and tabs and mail without a hitch every time. Thanks for all the help.
Dave Singer, Director of Marketing and Communications, 10/15/2020

Thank you to Jenn Rush, Amber, Kara, and Scott for traveling all the way to Conn. to pay respects to the passing of an individual. And also for the scones Jenn brought us. I would like to thank everyone who reached out to Dug Road during that time. We appreciate everyone’s support.
Toni Miller, Site Manager, 9/23/20
Many of us from the programs would like to recognize Bev Tobin for the work she does everyday ensuring that the programs get all the PPE supplies needed to carry on safely and confidently. Somehow she manages to get everything to us on time and just right. She is a one-person distribution center.
Many of Us from the Programs, 9/24/20
The Dalton program just hosted their second staff appreciation meal! The Management at Dalton prepared a great lunch and breakfast meal with the help of staff Alexis as the breakfast chef! There were decorations and each staff also received a homemade goodie bag! What a great way to show staff that they are truly appreciated!
Amber Steele, Director of Brain Injury Services, 8/27/20
I would like to recognize Julie Sawyer and David Mana, second shift Coleman Road staff. They were quick on their feet responding to an emergency that occurred over the past week evacuating the program as they were trained following procedures 100% to ensure the safety of their individuals. So proud of this amazing team! All ended well. These two amazing staff never panicked and did an amazing job reassuring the gentleman at Coleman Road and it all ended well so that the new gentleman could move in the following day with no issues. What an amazing team, I can’t ask for a better bunch of people!
Jessica Warner, Residential Supervisor, 7/31/20

Nurse Dowd
I would like to recognize Kathy Dowd, RN for all that she has done during her time working for us. She has been instrumental in helping to keep our individuals healthy. She can often be seen working extra hours in the office or at a home that needs her expertise at that moment. I know how hard it is for Kathy to leave at this time but I know that she is needed elsewhere in her life.
Good Luck Kathy and Thank You for all that you have done for the individuals that we support!
Dennis Radford, Residential Supervisor, 7/29/2020
Pecks Team,
THANK YOU for being an ESSENTIAL part of our TEAM! We really appreciate YOU!
Norma DelSonno, Site Manager, 7/14/2020
I would like to thank the relief staff that work in the DDS programs in the Westfield area. Although there are not many of you ( 7 ) you have all done so much to help out our programs during the past few months and have consistently been there to ensure that the individuals have the support that they need. Most importantly you have a put a ton of effort into helping our individuals to keep busy so that they don’t get bored. Thank you for everything that you do for our individuals, programs and managers!!
Dennis Radford, Residential Supervisor, 7/20/2020
The men, staff and I would like to thank Jenn Rush, Chris Melski, Ken Singer, Dennis Messana, Dennis Radford, and anyone else involved in getting us our beautiful new front door with screen. And the maintenance guys for coming down and putting it in yesterday. We love it and the color. We are getting a nice cross breeze today. The front of the house looks so different.

Woodland’s new front door with screen has made a full house happy.
We don’t even want to shut the inside door now lol.
Deb Gore, Site Manager, 7/14/2020
I would like to give a shout out to ALL the staff over at Robert Street. Thank you for everything you’ve done and are still doing! The way you all adapted to change so quickly is amazing! To our full time staff, day program staff, and regular relief staff, thank you for everything. Keep up the amazing work! The ladies at Robert St and I appreciate every single one of you.
Mackenzie Randall, Site Manager, 7/14/20
I want to give a big shout out to my management team for dealing with the COVID crisis, setting up remote services, and now working on reopening/getting people back to work. Each one brings great strengths that makes for a strong team-
Kyle Harvey- knowledge and experience
Regan Tyer- positive interpersonal skills and humor
Kristen George- efficiency and empathy
Mark LaVigne- steadfastness and logic
Pam Kight- initiative and problem solving
Jose Taveras- creativity and motivation
Thanks for providing quality services especially during the past few months.
Rick Hawes, Director of Employment and CBDS, 7/12/20
I want to send a huge shout out to Talesky. She showed what creativity and incentive could do and create when you think outside the box. This is a beautiful display of the work she does with the ladies at Robert Street. Thank you Talesky for this awesomeness. Carolina was very quick with responding.
Robin Brown, Residential Supervisor, 7/6/2020
I would like to give a huge shout out to Dan, Gus, NiNi and Noel for making these past couple months enjoyable and really stepping it up and helping cover shifts that we needed covered at Greylock and also making this time for our guys fun and engaging. I am so lucky to work side by side with you guys and not only call you my co-workers but also my work family. I am looking forward to more time we get to make this year fun and amazing in even the worst of times…
Jennifer Wood, Residential Staff, 7/5/20
I just want to give a shout out to our team at Lakeway! I came to Lakeway in October of last year to pick up a few extra shifts, and the staff and management were amazing at helping me with learning residential life! During the quarantine I knew I would shelter in, we have a lot of individuals in the house and even though it was and is a stressful time, we all managed to get through it while keeping a smile on our faces! We became an incredible team, and all of our individuals were kept safe and healthy, and I continue to work there until Day Programs open back up. It’s nice to have a team that works so well together! Thank you Brittiany M. and Ethan K. and Frank P. for all your hard work keeping our ship afloat! I love my job and I love being at Lakeway!
Kate Ryan, Developmental Specialist, Crossroads, 6/26/20
Today is the ending of one chapter, it is my last day working with all the amazing staff at the Cheshire Road program . I have worked almost every program on the BI side of the agency and leaving Cheshire will be undoubtfully the hardest as we are more than just a team here we are like a family. I can’t thank Ken VanBramer enough for helping to guide me and help build my confidence in my work and making it so that I am ready to step up and take on the new role as Site Manager. To Amber Steele and Kara Rogers for helping me to see that I had motivation to do it and just needed a litle more guidance to get fully there. It might sound bias but Cheshire Road has the best staff, I am going to miss working with everyone. Here’s to new Adventures.
Amber Severino, transitioning from Assistant Site Manager to Site Manager, 6/26/20
To all my staff at West Street, Pittsfield. Thank you so much for all the hard work you have been putting in day in and day out to make sure every individual is safe and happy. Shout out to the day program Kayla and Mary. I know this was a big change and adjustment but you guys have came in and helped out so much, and thank you for making sure our individuals goals are still being met. I appreciate each and every one of you and thank you for making this more of a family then a job. Thank you!!!!
Zabrina Young, Assistant Site Manager, 6/24/2020
I wanted to give a HUGE shout out to Zach Van Wart. Zach works at CFD in Lee and is a big part of what makes CFD great. During this time Zach has continued to take out his buddy Corey G. Zach is an awesome musician and has been sharing his talent with Corey. They have made several great videos on facebook. You can really see the joy in Corey’s face when he is singing and hanging out with Zach!
Cliff Love, Transtions Specialist, 6/24/2020

Sharon at BCArc’s Co-op Apartments
While driving down First Street I witnessed Sharon Watford observing the safety of an individual walking to Cumberland Farms by standing out on the sidewalk in front of BCArc’s coop apartments. Thank you for continuing to keep our individuals safe through this world of uncertainty. Knowing the individuals still are receiving the support they need to continue their growth in independence is such a great feeling.
Jennifer Smith, Community-Based Day Services Specialist, 6/23/2020
As I look back on the last three months, one of things that stands out most to me is people helping people, teams helping teams and everyone focused on keeping each other and the Individuals safe, healthy and happy. From DAY Programs, CBDS and Employment Services helping Residential, to BI and DDS collaborating and sharing staff, to Maintenance delivering Supplies, to Bev single-handedly becoming the “inventory Queen”, to Accounting/Payroll reaching out to help others navigate remotely, to Family Advocacy helping HR everyone is aligned with the same goal.There has not been anyone saying, “That’s not my job”. There have been hundreds of “How can I help?” As tough as it has been, (and it’s been tough) there have been many wonderful lessons learned and many bonds strengthened; as well as new sense of respect for each other. I have to say Thank you! You’re all amazing!
Kristi Nastars, Human Resources Director, 6/19/2020
Huge shout out to the Kowchuk full time and relief staff who have made this quarantining life amazing for our individuals! Our day program staff, Sarah and Lexi have been awesome keeping up with everyone’s goals and doing fun activities to keep them going. And to Cherie, Tyrus, Andrew, Peter, Sarah, Chiquita and William, you guys are awesome. Rearranging schedules to accommodate days we need staffing…especially the weekends. And thanks to our regular relief staffers: Tatiana and Sam and all other relief who stepped up to help out. Kowchuk and especially myself appreciate you all!
Christina Brown, Site Manager, 6/21/2020
Thanking Fataou and Tanisha as team leaders at Nicholson Hill Southwick. There is always plenty of water and soft beverages to keep everyone hydtrated. Fataou crafts Ginger-Lemon Pineapple Signature Juice at least once a week for everyone to drink. Everyone at Nicholson is awesome and together we bring the best as a team.
Aloyce Assenga, Brain Injury Services, 6/19/2020
We want to recognize all of the staff at North St. They have all stepped up to the plate through these hard times and have really gone above and beyond to make the individuals lives as good as they can be during these times! We have had a lot of adversity here at North St. over the past couple of months and everyone has pulled together and have had each others back and we overcame it all. Everyone from full time staff to relief and the ladies from SDC ,We cannot thank you guys enough for all the hard work and support. Rock ON North St!!!!
Sincerely, Joel Barscz, Site Manager / Mathew Green, Assistant Site Manager
I would like to give a big thank you to Kaitlyn Giron at Dalton. She has kept this house afloat during times when we had minimal staffing. Even though things didn’t seem like they’d get better Kaitlyn maintained a spirit that allowed staff to stick and stay and remain hopeful. She’s a huge reason I continued to work 58 hours a week for over a year. I felt like my hard work was appreciated. I’d like to thank her for her guidance and support in my journey with BcArc. Thank you for all that you do for everyone—individuals included—here at Dalton!
Cassie Simmons, Assistant Program Manager, 6/15/2020
A huge shout out to BCArc’s DDS Residential Supervisory Team. They continue to work tirelessly day in day out ensuring the health, safety and happiness of the individuals we serve. On top of that they take calls 7 days a week, do their best to ensure the safety of their staff as well as become line staff themselves whenever needed. They do this all without complaint they just pull together and get the job done. We are so lucky to have the 6 of you. Thanks for ALL you do!
Rhodora Higgins and Chris Melski, Co-Directors of Residential Services, 6/15/2020
I’d like to give a shout out to Jose Tavares from Northview. He has been working so hard to make sure everyone from Northview is staying active and engaged during these crazy times. In addition to all he is doing for Northview he has been helping out with all the online stuff for Transitions as well. Thank you, Jose for all your hard work!
Cliff Love, Transitions Specialist, 6/15/2020
I have been with BCARC for over a decade, (almost 14 years) and I have worked with many different teams. But I have to say, I haven’t experienced a WHOLE ENTIRE TEAM working together the way we do at Housatonic. Everyday we step up to the challenges the day brings and give our ladies the best possible care we can. We are truly a little family at Housatonic.
You all Rock and I am so thankful to be a part of such an amazing group of people!
Go team Housy!
– Wendy, Tara, Brendan, Matt, Dave, Linda, Nick and Tracey!
Jessica Mullaly, Residential Support Staff, 6/15/2020
SHOUT OUT to Dennis and the Maintenance team, they have responded very promptly to all the issues within the house. They’ve also been delivering PPE Supplies to the homes AND doing some deliveries that need to go to the office from our programs. We appreciate you!
Norma DelSonno, Site Manager, 6/15/2020
I would like to shout out to my most beloved partner-in-crime, Cindy Keiderling! A year ago, Cindy came from CFD Day Program to a whole new Community Based Day Service in hopes to gain more experience in what she loves. Cindy and I had the biggest job in structuring the new CBDS Northview Program. She assisted in developing activities and programming for the individual. Cindy is well liked by our community partners and the individuals she helps to achieve their aspirations. Cindy is a wonderful, energetic person who spread her happiness throughout the program and every where she goes. Cindy is currently assisting Valentine Road for 3 days and staying connected with Northview Remote the other 2 days. I really admire Cindy’s will to go out of her way to help someone who may be anxious and make them smile again. At times she makes me smile when I see the beautiful interactions with the people we serve at BCArc. Cindy, thank you for being apart of the CBDS/Employment Services family your presence and values give us inspirations to do better at our jobs.
Jose A. Taveras, CBDS Program Manager, 6/11/2020


Ron with Janet
Shout out to Mike Ortiz and Ron Dagenais who drove all the way out to the Boston area this week to pick up the newest member of our Sammy Lane family! They successfully completed our very first transition from the community during the COVID pandemic! While it came with extra challenges they remained positive and it ended as a wonderful success story for this newly formed management team. Thanks Ron and Mike for all your hard work!
Amber Steele, Director of Brain Injury Services, 6/11/2020
Shout out to the BIS Site/Assistant Managers at Dug Rd, Toni Miller and Julie Sanchez, for thanking their staff for all their hard work with the most delicious looking Surf n’ Turf dinner I’ve ever seen!
Kara Rogers, Residential Supervisor, 6/12/2020
Shout out to Assistant Site Manager for Cheshire Rd, Amber Severino for planning an awesome trip for the individuals to Bennington Deer Park!
Kara Rogers, Residential Supervisor, 6/12/2020
Thank you to BIS Residential Support Staff for Cheshire Rd, Joe Broderick, who is always willing to lend a hand to any BIS program who needs him! You are truly a team player and we so appreciate you bringing your awesome brand of humor and personality to so many individuals!!!
Kara Rogers, Residential Supervisor, 6/12/2020
I would like to send a shout out to Gayle Leroi for pulling off a virtual Tea Party for all of the ladies in the Red Hat Society in the Pioneer Valley Area. She went to each program and dropped of a package with a lunch and some tea for each lady. She also gave them some material to make bird feeders made out of fancy tea cups and saucers. She always goes out of her way to make the individuals happy and I’m glad she is a part of the Dug Road Team!!
Toni Miller, Bi-Site Manager, 6/8/2020
Huge thank you to Stephanie Taylor, BIS Assistant Manager at Greylock, who has stepped up immensely during this time, when a pandemic happened to occur at the same time as the Greylock Site Manager’s maternity leave! While new to her position, Stephanie has greeted all challenges head on and with a positive outlook! Great job and thank you Stephanie!!!
Kara Rogers, Residential Supervisor, 6/12/2020
The entire team at Dalton deserves a huge shout out for the dedication they display to the ladies who reside there, every day! I’m continuously amazed by the amount patience, warmth and determination that goes into every approach you all take! The amount of encouragement and support you all provide truly prove that you are all superheroes!!
Kara Rogers, Residential Supervisor, 6/12/2020
Thank you to Andrea Schumann and Gayle Leroi, BIS Residential Support Staff at Dug Rd for planning and facilitating a recent trip for the individuals to Mt. Greylock! This was no small feat to accomplish and it was so appreciated by the folks who went, they absolutely loved it!!! It was a wonderful display of the creativity and care you both put into your work each day!
Kara Rogers, Residential Supervisor, 6/12/2020
I would like to say THANK YOU to the DUG ROAD TEAM. Since the beginning of the pandemic you stuck by the individuals and helped to keep life as normal as possible for them. You did everything that was asked of you and more. I appreciate every single one of you. Thanks.
Toni Miller, Bi-Site Manager, 6/8/2020
To all the staff at my program, Day Hab Staff, Relief Staff, and full time staff. Thank You for adjusting to change, and have done an amazing job. Thank you to the day program and their staff for keeping their goals going and to Caitline who’s been doing them with our individuals. Keep up the great work.
Norma DelSonno, Site Manager, 6/8/2020
I just want to thank all residential support staff relief and full time you come to work each and every day, and do whatever it takes to keep our individuals happy and healthy! I have seen some of the most creative and innovative ways of making the best out of a quarantine situation come from our staff and I couldn’t be prouder to be part of this team! I know your jobs aren’t always easy, but you all make it look effortless KUDOS to you all!
Jessica Warner, Residential Supervisor, 6/8/2020
Big thanks to the team at Cheshire Rd for their consistency and perseverance during these times! You’ve all worked so hard to keep the individual’s spirits up, and their days filled with as much fun and joy as possible, and it is so appreciated!
Kara Rogers, Residential Supervisor, 6/12/2020
Thank you to Roberta Kaufer, program RN for Cheshire, Dalton, Greylock and more…we can’t thank you enough for your dedication to providing Nursing support to the individuals, managers and staffing teams! Roberta is always quick to respond as needed with ample, positive support and dedication to advocating for individuals, and approaching all things as a collaborate team!
Kara Rogers, Residential Supervisor, 6/12/2020
A shout out for Pam Kight for the amazing work she has been doing behind the scenes since CBDS doors have closed for the people we serve. During the quarantine Pam has communicated often with parents, guardians, and other outside agency staff. She organized a great scavenger hunt for several departments, which everyone enjoyed. Pam attended a seminar which inspired her to research, develop and launch for us the virtual program Google Classroom and Google Hangout Meets to stay connected with her program and other programs within the agency. Pam also has assisted Employment Services to set up and launch their classrooms to reestablish the employment process. I want to thank Pam for letting me be a part of her amazing journey and opening new opportunities for all of us at the agency—now and in the future. Thanks Pam for being a dedicated BCArc employee and a great supervisor.
Jose A. Taveras, CBDS Program Manager
We have a wonderful, caring soul Deb Wagner, who has been working with one of our AFC families to provide outreach to their daughter Marka. They have done some incredible activities together for years going out into the community on weekly basis and creating a remarkable relationship in doing so. When COVID struck, these activities were naturally put on hold, but what was not put on hold was their connection! Deb made a point of doing drive- bys to say hello taking her dog Harrison with her as Marka loves pets. Deb continues to make a point of calling her to touch base until they can resume outreach. Marka’s birthday was recently in April so Deb made a point of bringing by some treats for her simply leaving on their porch for a Happy Birthday! It is this kind of thoughtfulness and heart that helps folks to feel cared about and remembered. These relationships have a tremendous ripple effect!
Ida Patella, AFC Case Manager
I would like to give a GINORMOUS shout out to ALL the staff at Oxford!! You are so appreciated and I cannot thank you enough! Thank you for keeping the ladies busy, healthy and safe. You wouldn’t know that the world outside these walls is the way it is. From coming to work despite any fears or concerns for yourselves and loved ones, going with the flow, with all the many changes and procedures that have been put in place with no hesitation and most importantly, continuing to provide the women with the exceptional care that you always give!!! You guys have been so creative with the women and just know that I appreciate ALL of it, the A-Z of what you guys do everyday! I know it isn’t always easy, you ladies are all the real MVP’s!! There is no way, I could do anything at Oxford, without all of you!
Yaremi Ramirez, Site Manager, 6/2/2020
I would like to take a moment to thank the staff at Russell, Morgan, Kosak and Edgewood for their never ending dedication to the individuals that they work with every day. In every situation that they have been presented with; staffing issues, Covid 19, appointments and even bears….Yes bears….The staff have never flinched in doing what was needed to to secure the continued health, safety and wellness of the folks in their programs. The creativity in activities and ideas to keep everyone active and motivated is amazing to me. So I just want to say Thank You for all that you do!!!
Scott Gullett, Residential Supervisor, 6/2/2020
I would like to give a huge shout out to all of the staff here at 36 Superior Street. Norman Sanderson, Ebenezer Arhinful, Robert Assian, and our assistant Site Manager Josh Moro, as well as our day program help, Madison Corkery, and our relief who regularly work at Superior, Emmanuel Addo Yankey, Rebekah Saville, Joseph Dodoo, Vincent Badolo, Nicole Campagna, Deb Larkin, and Sara Samassi-Fofana. Because of you guys, our individuals continue to not only survive, but to thrive. In the face of unprecedented uncertainty, and exceedingly difficult times, you have all been an amazingly strong and sturdy base for our program to rest upon. Any structure is only as sound as its foundation, and you have all come together to create such a strong footing, that even during times like these, our individuals are still able to build upon their existing structure, to further themselves, to continue to reach, to stretch and to achieve. You all deserve to be recognized for your efforts and your dedication! From the individuals here at Superior and myself, Thank you for everything you do, and for just being you! Without you guys none of this happens.
Marc Bourassa, Site Manager, 6/1/2020
I would like to send a huge shout out to all of the staff at College Hwy who have come together as such a great team! I am so glad to have all of you working beside me during this pandemic! I appreciate everything you do for the ladies at College Hwy. Thank you all for going above and beyond and making sure the ladies here are well taken care of.
Shanice Ayala, Assistant Site Manager, 5/31/2020
A HUGE thank you to all of the staff and managers at Oxford Place, Sheep Pasture Rd. and Woodland Rd. They have all worked hard to keep the individuals healthy and safe. They also helped them all adjust to being home 24/7, and have helped them try out and engage in a variety of new (and old) activities so that they would not be bored.
You guys are the BEST and the individuals appreciate and benefit from all that you do both for and with them. THANK YOU from myself and most importantly, from the individuals that we support.
Dennis Radford, Residential Supervisor, 5/31/2020
Our roles have changed significantly with COVID, but everyone in our AFC dept has rolled with adapting. I would like to give a shout out to Sonja Stewart who has created some fabulous Zoomer online activities for our families and members to join in on Mon- Thurs! Mindfulness, Trivia, Book Club and Knitting Groups happen virtually with pizzazz! Competition flies with the Trivia which Ken joined one afternoon. The fun and amazing part of these groups is that folks are joining in that we never would have anticipated and have done so weekly!! These groups have also pulled folks in from CBD programs along with several houses. Chance to Dance happened virtually with Sonja, Chrissy Ferrari and Nancy Willey creating an outlet to boogie–high turn out for that one too.
So kudos to Sonja and all the folks who have helped to make this creative programming happen and make a tremendous difference!!
Ida Patella, Case Manager, AFC, 5/31/2020
A shout out to day program staff & case managers for their “all in” jump to residential and their creativity in developing programming for our individuals to participate in on a daily and weekly basis!
A special shout out to Beth Bisson who introduced us to the wonderment of maritime meditation and your creativity!! You rock!
And to Vicky from CFD who never ONCE hesitated to step in and support our most vulnerable individuals during Covid. You are all heart!
Kristen Meyers, Behavior Specialist, 5/31/2020
A HUGE shout out for Bev Tobin – who comes to work every day with a smile and so much enthusiasm.I truly wish all of you could see the mountain of supplies that she has tracked and kept organized throughout these many weeks. She is truly an inspiration and a blessing in this office.
Katherine Maloney, HR Generalist, 5/31/2020
I would like to thank all of the staff in Family Support & The Adult Family Care Program. They have worked hard to aid the families we support in the community by offering service navigation, organizing care package deliveries, and ensuring their needs are met during this difficult time. Through creativity and adaptability we have been able to offer virtual programming that has allowed families to enjoy safe social opportunities from the comfort of their own homes. It is remarkable what can be achieved when everyone bands together as a team.
Sonja Stewart, Director of Advocacy & Family Support, 5/31/2020
I just want to give a couple of quick shout outs to our trainers who are now working residential. Thank you to Susanne Brelsford, Rocio Velis, and Jenell Pullaro for jumping in and working your hours in the homes. You have all made a huge difference and we appreciate all that you have done for our individuals.
Kristen George, Employment Manager, 5/29/2020
Shout out to Samantha Wood who hopped right into working residential while employment services was effected by the pandemic. She has been working every week picking up a 4-11 shift and doing a great job. Thank you Sam for being so flexible during such a trying time!
Regan Tyer, Employment Manager, 5/29/2020
I would like to give a shout out to my entire team, Sammy, Valentine, Housatonic, and Gamwell! Site Managers and Assistant Managers as well as ALL RESIDENTIAL SUPPORT STAFF working in the programs daily you all are AMAZING!!
Everyone has continued the great supports and services to our individuals each and every day! Many of our staff have gone above and beyond to support the individuals we serve through this very scary time! I appreciate you all and I cannot say enough about the way each team has pulled together and taken care of business!!! I THANK YOU ALL from the bottom of my heart!
Janet Newberry, BIS Residential Supervisor, 5/29/2020
A Special Thank you to our Pioneer Valley Supervisor -Kate Hood for all you do for us in the Pioneer Valley to keep our individuals and staff safe. These are very challenging times. The tracking of individuals and staff to the Board of Health you do has been impressive. You always go above and beyond whatever you are faced with. You are always available to Maureen and myself keeping us updated with changes. You have been a great mentor to me and I appreciate you. You are a incredible team player. and truly amazing nurse caring for us all.
Kathy Dowd, RN, 5/28/2020

Liz, left, and Shaunna
What can I say about these two? Well for one thing they are up for any challenge! This dynamic duo have more then met every request I have made since we had to close our doors at Crossroads. Liz even spent a month under quarantine at one of the residences. She chose to have her young daughter stay with her parents during that time so that she would not have to worry about bringing the virus home with her. Later, Liz and Shaunna transitioned back to their jobs at Crossroads as Case managers – except that the job description was now very different. They had to learn all about Google Classrooms and Zoom meetings. They have to make weekly phone calls to individuals and care givers and develop games and activities for remote programing and prepare art supply “goodie bags” for the residences and people living in the community. They had to learn how to fit all of these extra responsibilities into their day while still ensuring that everyone’s DHSP paperwork was completed on time. And these amazing women have met these challenges with grace and poise – and laughter and a little yelling! They are an amazing team and Crossroads is very lucky to have them. Shaunna and Liz – Thank you for everything that you do. You each bring something very special to Crossroads. Love Laughter Sunflowers
Donna Williams, Director, Crossroads Center For Enrichment, 5/27/2020
I am sending a HUGE Thank you to the HR Team in Pittsfield and Westfield! with the addition of Chris Ferrari (lent to us during COVID) This team never stops! They take on all the extra work with patience, diligence, and an incredible attitude! They not only support all of BCArc’s employees, they also support each other!! They are doing amazing work! Thank you soooo much! You are appreciated!
Kristi Nastars, Human Resources Director, 5/27/2020
Janet Stone has been working for BCArc for many years. Several years ago, she was given the honor of being named BCArc Staff of the Year. She comes to work every day with a lovely smile on her face, even though life has not always been easy for her. During this pandemic, Janet has been forced to remain at home for family medical reasons. However, Janet has called every week to check on how everyone is doing – peers and individuals alike. Recently, Janet became very interested in our remote programming and she asked if she could help us with this so that she could continue to feel connected to the individuals she cares so much about. Janet now voluntarily creates videos which we show on our remote Google Classrooms pages. So far, she has read stories, done a baking activity and a science experiment involving rain clouds. Currently she is working on a science video involving a rocket ship. I can’t wait!!! Janet, you are an amazing asset to our Crossroads family. I miss you. Love Laughter Sunflowers
Donna Williams, Director, Crossroads, 5/26/2020
An uber huge shout out to my team! The wonderful Tracy Winters, and Cheryl Blanchette of South Main Street. The incredible Theresa White, and Joseph Russo of Elberon Avenue. The amazing Danielle Leddick, and Michelle Drake of Sampson Parkway. The awesome Marc Bourassa, and Joshua Moro of Superior Street. The marvelous Joy Marino, and Ed Lewis of the CO-Ops. And I cannot forget the superb residential site managers, and assistant site managers, as well as all of the staff who go above, and beyond for the beautiful individuals that we serve. BCArc is so lucky to have great people like you representing this agency.
Sopheary Larrow, Community Advocate, 5/26/20
I would like to acknowledge the amazing dedication and spirit these fine women have shown though out this pandemic. These ladies walked away from their jobs at Crossroads and began working in a residence as though it were “just another day”. Their flexibility and courage, determination and drive along with their spunk and sense of humor have helped the individuals they are now working with not only meet their DHSP goals remotely, but also enjoy other activities of interest. Talesky, Kate, Kayla, Mary, Lorena, Jen and Rachael – You are an inspiration and I can’t thank you enough for everything that you do for our individuals and our agency. I miss you guys!
Donna Williams, Director, Crossroads, 5/26/2020
Shout out to Kate Hood — always upbeat and available. Along with her duties of supervising two, (2), nurses, she manages four, (4), residences, and finds time to visit her mother in a local nursing home, (through the window). As well assisting a medically challenged family member with treatments, three, (3) times a week. I am not sure if there is anyone else that could manage all of this. As well she continually stuns me when she will inquire of one of my members, if they have had specific appointments. Fortunately I have the information! BCARC is fortunate in having such a dedicated employee, as well Kathy and I, to have her as a supervisor!
Maureen Weeks, RN. 5/26/2020

A jar of gratitude Joy gave to her staff.
I would like to THANK the Staff at the Co-ops ( Michelle Bedard, Sharon Watford, Melody Effendi, Kathy Reed, Laurie Bigelow, Efrain Diego, Mayra Columna) for keeping the lives of the individuals we serve as consistent as possible. You are still out in the grocery stores shopping to fill their cabinets with the necessary items. You have gone above and beyond helping with day program activities, tech support, and talking to the individuals about the virus and securing masks and teaching them how to use them.
Joy Marino, Site Manager, 5/26/2020
Joseph Spitzer is a BIS residential day shift floater in the pioneer valley. When the pandemic started it changed Joes daily schedule. Joe went from working in the Nuopps program 4 days a week with about a dozen individuals to only working in 2 programs one with 4 individuals and one with 2. Joe has used this time to show us his creative side engaging individuals in Karaoke, Gardening, crafts and everything in between. Joe comes to work every day with a smile and a positive attitude.
Jessica Warner, BIS Residential Supervisor, 5/26/2020
Big ups to the North Rd team! They have shown they are here because of a passion to help and care for others. When times got hard during the pandemic they stayed to make sure their individuals still received the care and assistance they deserve. Offering extra hours or moving around their shifts. This pandemic has been hard on some of our guys but the North Rd team tries to make everyday like no other. Assisting with communications to family, friends, and day program. Coming up with crafts, activities, and exercises everyone can participate in. This team has touched me during these hard times and for that I thank them all. I could not have made it this far without you guys!!
Bianca Sanchez, North Road Site Manager, 5/25/2020
A major thanks goes out to our remarkable “PR Guy,” Dave (no relation) Singer who without we would not have all these amazing opportunities to recognize and share the amazing positive achievements that are happening here at BCArc everyday!
Amber Steele and the BIS Team, 5/24/2020
The dedicated staff at Gamwell Ave have been amazing through this Pandemic! Everyone has shown their true character, their dedication is quite impressive, everyone has pitched in for extra shifts when needed, extra cleaning tasks, extra errands. From friendship to mentorship to leadership, you’ve given Gamwell Ave a warm kinship in every way possible!! I’m grateful to work with such great people, thank you all.
Grace Roney, Assistant Manager, 5/24/2020
Tanisha Harris-Yeboah, site manager for Nicholson Hill, has been a real asset to the individuals in her program throughout this pandemic.Tanisha is upbeat and enthusiastic all the time, nothing seems to get her down. Tanisha has shared her optimism in her program and shown some creativity finding ways to keep individuals constructively busy and happy.
Jessica Warner, BIS Residential Supervisor, 5/23/2020

Sheep Pasture saying “Thank you.”
Hat’s off to Sheep Pasture Staff; I am fortunate enough to have an amazing group of staff. So appreciative of all of them adjusting their hours and coming up with activity ideas to keep the house running smoothly.
Connie Dagesse, Assistant Site Manager, Sheep Pasture, 5/23/2020
I would like to give a huge shout out to the staff at Golden Hill and the Site Manager Jamie Carpenter. One of the individuals has been hospitalized throughout this whole situation and Jamie and the staff are in constant communication with him– Facetiming several times a day to make him feel supported.
Erin Manson, Residential Supervisor, 5/23/2020
To all the front line staff and supervisors who are doing an incredible job of keeping individuals safe and engaging in programming. Thank you form the families and friends of those you support. I get the calls of appreciation from them and I want to share this with all of you!!!! Rhodora and I thank you all for dedication and support to the individual you support..
Rhodora/Chris, Co-Directors, Residential Services, 5/23/2020
I want to shout out to Scott Gullett BIS residential supervisor in the Westfield area for all of his hard work during the pandemic. Scott is a true team player, assisting all programs both BIS and DDS obtaining and delivering supplies and assisting with securing coverage when needed. Scott is a friendly and upbeat person by nature and his sense of humor has been a welcome asset in these difficult times.
Jessica Warner, Residential Supervisor, 5/22/2020
Shout out to all the BIS Residential Staff and relief. We could not function without you! Every day you show up to care for those individuals who need you most and bring smiles to their faces! It is a priceless service that you provide. I am honored to work with such an amazing group! There are so many amazing stories out there. I hope you use this forum as a way to share the amazing work you are doing and recognize your peers! You are all so deserving. Thank You so much.
Amber Steele, Director, BI Services, 5/22/2020
Both Brittany and Caitlin worked five days a week, 8 to 3:30, as if they were still working their day programs, didn’t miss a beat, helped out at every level as if business as usual. They were amazing.
Jamie Sigoski, Supervisor, 5/22/2020