Sheylida feels particularly connected to the Southwick house she works. She is part of the original team that opened the new house over a year ago.

“We all came here with different experiences taking care of people,” she said. “So we’ve shaped this program together. Every house is different, but this house is one that we built from scratch for the individuals who live here.”

Sheylida has an Associates Degree in Early Childhood Education and worked as a teacher for seven years. She decided to switch careers a few years ago, and supervised a daytime program for another agency before moving to a BCArc residents.

“I wanted more hands-on work. This is the role for me, working directly with individuals,” she said. “I plan to stay at this and work my way up through the Agency.”

Sheylida has suffered the loss of family members from COVID-19, and her program has been previously quarantined when staff tested positive, but she continues to work, unafraid.

“We all came here with different experiences taking care of people,” she said. “So we’ve shaped this program together. Every house is different, but this house is one that we built from scratch for the individuals who live here.”

She was quick to credit the teammates on her shift, naming Tanisha, Cameron, Fataou, and Adelle.

“This is how life is at the moment,” she said. “We all wear masks, we clean as best as we can, and we’re all concerned, but I’m not afraid to work. I worry about my family, and keeping people safe. But the individuals in the house need our help too. In some ways they are family as well. They worry about us the same way we worry about them.”

Staff in the program have had their first vaccination shot.  The second and final vaccination shot is scheduled for next month.

“Perhaps when we are fully vaccinated we can feel more relaxed about the everything.”


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