Susanne was named 2020 Employment Services Exemplary Employment Award. She poses here with her award at the Staff Appreciation Drive-Thru Event.
Susanne Brelsford manages individuals with disabilities who work with employers across the Berkshires. Employers, she explained, appreciate the arrangement. “They gain dependable workers, they gain me as a manager, and their staff are energized by all of us being around. We are all invited to the work parties and lunch events and basically embraced by everyone.”
Even after spending an entire day with her crew, sometimes challenging days, she will get a call in the evening to chat. “My children know each of the people I work with,” she said laughing. “Each individual I work with are all very proud of the work they do, and I strive to be their role model on the job.”
Susanne is part of BCArc’s Employment Services program, which places and manages jobs for more than 100 individuals with disabilities at dozens of employers across the Berkshires.
“You need the personality to represent BCArc in the community, and at the same time you need to speak out on behalf of the individuals with their employers. The Berkshires has an employer community that is very supportive of our folks.”
“Some individuals work well independently,” she said. “As an Employment Specialist, I come and go but they know I’m never too far; for the most part they do their work on their own.”
“I have worked in other jobs where issues fester because coworkers never speak their minds,” she said. “These folks say exactly what’s on their minds, and that’s what I love about them. And like all employees, the individuals thrive on attention and positive feedback. I need to be careful to show attention equally, because if I don’t, they notice and I will hear about it.”
“As a mom, I can spot their moods and attitudes early on, long before anything surfaces,” she said. “I can address those issues before they emerge. I’m lucky that way.”
Susanne talked about helping her individuals gain confidence and eventually independence. At Price Chopper she couldn’t join an individual behind the bakery counter due to COVID rules. At first she sensed his anxiety, but soon enough he found his comfort zone.
Susanne praised her BCArc managers, calling Employment Manager Kristen George her role model, and Kyle Harvey, who oversees the program, “amazing.”
“You need the personality to represent BCArc in the community, and at the same time you need to speak out on behalf of the individuals with their employers. The Berkshires has an employer community that is very supportive of our folks.”
She has worked in Employment Services for five years, and her fiance Shane has been with BCArc for 15 years. “It’s a privilege to work here,” she said. “I know plenty of people who don’t like their jobs. I can’t get enough of this job. Eventually when I am ready I plan to move up.”