This was originally published in Visions, Issue II 2024.
May 1, 2024 – We have one job to do here at Berkshire County Arc — support individuals with disabilities. That mission is focused, but to do it right — provide rich lives with opportunities to feel fulfilled, and gain independence — can be complex. BCArc is a large organization that faces all the challenges and opportunities any mission-driven large organization experiences — whether for-profit or not-for-profit.
Moving the Agency forward is critical. Staying still is not an option. Well into my second year as its leader, I am amazed at the pace of change in our work, and the need to stay agile as an Agency employing more than 750 staff and caring for 1,000 individuals with disabilities from Down Syndrome to brain injuries.
This year we celebrate BCArc’s 70th year of growth as a human services agency and as a community member. They are both connected and inherent to what we do. We will celebrate our seventh decade with a Gala on Sept. 19. Our staff is creating a float for the Pittsfield July 4 parade to recognize our hallmark year. We continue to create new programs, explore new initiatives, and embrace new technologies and advanced approaches to better support the people we serve. Every corner of our Agency moves forward faster than ever.
Staff drive our changes. We add new training programs as the times change. We are always improving our facilities, honing the programs we offer, and developing new programs.
Reaching milestone years forces you to look back at your own history. There are many lessons in BCArc’s history that teach us how to move forward, and I thank my predecessors for those lessons as BCArc begins to celebrate its 70th anniversary.
Maryann Hyatt
President & CEO