This was originally published in Visions, Issue I 2025.

Jan. 1, 2025 –

Happy New Year.
This year looks to be an ambitious year. The list is long for BCArc. Here are a few items we look to accomplish this year.

New Housing
Find land to build a home for four individuals with a brain injury. The waiting list of individuals with brain injuries is long at the state level, and we hope to move new individuals in this year.

Higher Wages
We will continue to fight for higher wages for our staff, and aim to pay them as much as BCArc can afford. This year already we raised wages 5% for direct support professionals.

Adult Family Care
More than 100 homes who take care of a loved one in their home use this program to receive nursing support, a monthly stipend, and assistance with future planning. We know there are hundreds more families in Western Mass who would benefit from this program, and we will work hard to find them this year.

New Businesses — The Green Redeem and Speedy Fulfillment
BCArc launched two new businesses last year, and looks to grow them both in 2025. The Green Redeem, a bottle and can redemption center, and Speedy Fulfillment, a fulfillment center to manage inventory, pack mailings, and ship items. Both businesses employ individuals with disabilities. We are excited about this.

Community Integration
At the heart of this Agency’s mission is to integrate the lives of individuals into the community. This enriches their lives, and also creates a more diverse and educated community. We do this through employment, volunteering, community service, and pursuing the chores of daily living – shopping, recreation, travel, and more.

There is so much more activity going on that I cannot list in this small space. It all happens through the great work of BCArc’s staff and leadership, through the support of the community, and its partners. BCArc advances best when everyone moves forward together.

To a happy and healthy new year.

Maryann Hyatt

President & CEO