This was originally published in Visions,  Issue III 2023.

September 1, 2023 – At BCArc, we feel that the disabilities population should be engaged and visible to the general population. That remains an important part of the BCArc mission. The BuddyWalk serves as our largest effort to rally community support and promote the presence of the disabilities population. 

It is important that the public sees us — in the stores, at the parks, at restaurants, and in the workplace. In all our programs — and in each individuals’ stated annual goals — we promote strategies to stay active, volunteer, participate, and for many, have paid employment. People need to know that the disabilities population is part of their community. We live here with you. At the same time, we have no signs on BCArc houses, nor on BCArc vehicles, and no uniforms on BCArc staff. We do this to protect the integrity of the people we serve. We are fortunate to live in very supportive communities. 

Sometimes we need to be loud for our elected officials, for our community presence, and for the pride of our individuals. So thank you everyone who walked in our BuddyWalk this year, and supported our event. Occasionally it’s nice — and important — to be heard and seen.


Maryann Hyatt
President & CEO